Tuesday, November 18, 2008

cHocOhOliC, aM I??

Last evening, with sudden urge to be chocoholic again, grabs of choco biscuits, candies, bars, etc. as I enjoyed the X'mas deco in the supermarts. Caught with the habit of a chocoholic again???

As I enjoyed the X'mas deco with little Jerry... Thatz the only place a Mother of one can get to during weekday evenings. aaarGggghhhh....

Used to be a chocoholic, almost obsessed with choco stuff. Skipping meals and be full with juz choco snacks. Starting to cut down only during preggie days. Suspecting the habit to come back again. Itz a gd opportunity now as X'mas season is round the corner and chocos are everywhere.

My love for choco waives the worry of choco' fats content, etc.

I juz luv them so muChie!!!

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